Why Smart People Fall For Investment Scams
An October 20, 2014 online Forbes article discusses the various reasons people fall victim to investment fraud. Knowledge, trust and opportunity (or lack thereof) are all common factors of fraud victims. “There are many reasons why we fall for investment scams. As we understand and realize these factors, we are less likely to fall prey to investment scamsters — who we call “financial serial killers.” According to the article, the best ways to protect yourself include; look objectively at qualifications, don’t make decisions based on emotion, and don’t be lured by “scarcity of the opportunity.” The article also includes seven questions you to ask. To read the entire article, including the “7 Questions You Need to Ask”, click...
Read MoreHappy Thanksgiving!

The Law Office of Anthony B. Bingham, P.C. will be closed on Thursday, November 27th and Friday, November 28th for Thanksgiving. Have a safe Thanksgiving weekend Holiday.
Read MoreBeware of Investment Fraud
An October 8, 2014 article on USA.gov outlines the signs to watch for to avoid being the victim of investment fraud. The article also discusses affinity fraud; investment scams that target specific groups, such as the elderly, religious or ethnic communities. To learn what warning signs to watch for, click...
Read MoreThank You Veterans
The Law Office of Anthony B. Bingham, P.C. will be closed on November 11th in observance of Veterans...
Read MoreVictim of Fraud?
A recent Fraud Watch Alert by AARP reports that too many people who have been scammed out of their hard-earned money, suffer their losses alone and in silence. Fraud is a widely underreported crime and therefore the perpetrators go unpunished and continue to scam others. “If you’ve been scammed, it can be deeply embarrassing, and make you question your judgment,” said AARP Illinois State Director Bob Gallo. “But even if you feel that the losses are not large enough to report, or that nothing will result from filing a report, you should report it as this will help protect others from becoming victims.” To read the entire AARP Fraud Alert, click...
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