Securities Negligence is conduct that is below the standard of care. As an investor, you have a right to rely on the investment advice of your stockbroker, securities advisor, brokerage firm or investment professional.  You have a right to feel confident that the advice you receive by these professionals is not the product of negligence or tainted by self-interest.  Those rights are violated when your interests are secondary to the financial gains of your stockbroker, securities advisor, brokerage firm or investment professional. If your professional advisors have deviated from the conduct expected of a reasonably prudent person acting under similar circumstances, they have acted negligently.

Some ways an investment professional may act negligently include:

  • Recommending investments that do not match your investment objectives.
  • Failing to exercise reasonable care, skill or diligence in providing investment advice or handling securities transactions, resulting in harm or losses to the investor.

Other misconduct by your Financial Advisor may include:

  • Arizona Securities Law Violations

As an investor, you have a right to rely on the investment advice of your financial advisor or investment professional.  You have a right to feel comfortable that the advice you receive by these professionals is not the product of negligence or tainted by self-interest.  Those rights are violated when your interests are secondary to the financial gain of the broker.

If you believe you have lost money as a result of Securities Negligence by your investment professional, call Arizona Securities Negligence Attorney Anthony Bingham at 480.832.1922. You may have a limited window to assert your claim and file your complaint, so we encourage you to contact Bingham Law today.